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Ice machine use and maintenance
Time:2018/4/23 15:30:07  Browse:

1. The setting of each protection device of the unit has been set by the manufacturer, and the user should not modify it at will.

2. When the unit generates a fault alarm and stops, it should press the alarm stop button (the alarm lamp will go out), and then check the cause of the fault.

Do not force the humidifier to boot before troubleshooting.

3, if not an emergency, do not shut off by cutting off the power

Closed unit; If the unit is stopped for a long time in winter, shut down the unit first, then turn off the main power supply, and drain the water in the chiller.

4. To ensure good heat dissipation, the air-cooled chiller must keep the surface of the cooling coil of the chiller clean, ensure the circulation of air around the machine, low temperature, and regularly clean the cooling coil.

5, air-cooled chiller, after starting the machine should first check the fan's steering is correct, if you turn to normal, you can use it normally, if reversed, the power supply wiring is reversed, you must replace the phase sequence and then start.

6. Keep the equipment room clean and well ventilated, and regularly clean the condenser to ensure normal operation of the unit.

7. The water-cooled chiller must keep the cooling tower clean, keep the air circulation around the tower and the temperature low, and prevent debris from entering the cooling tower to reduce the cooling efficiency.

8. If the dehumidifier or the high/low pressure switch often malfunctions after the chiller has been used for 6 months, or if the cooling capacity is reduced, workers should be arranged to clean the condenser. If this is done many times, the chiller goes to the fault alarm screw chiller maintenance and repair methods chain hoists daily inspection and maintenance precautions to determine the low diesel engine oil pressure and troubleshooting methods evaporative condenser how to prevent scaling how to maintain Thermal oil pumps extend the life of vacuum pumps.

