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Filter element and accessories
    Evaporation ice bucket, evaporator

    Categories:Filter element and accessories

    Disposable Heat Shrink Filter Model:

    PT-8001 PP5M Transparent Filter

    PT-8002 CTO compressed activated carbon filter

    PT-8003 PP1M Filter Cartridge

    PT-8004 CTO compressed activated carbon filter


Filter introduction:

Disposable Filter Model:

PTA-8001 PP5M transparent filter

PTA-8002 UDF Granular Activated Carbon Filter

PTA-8003 PP1M filter element

PTA-8004 UDF Granular Activated Carbon Filter

PTA-8005 CTO compressed activated carbon filter

Disposable Heat Shrink Filter Model:

PT-8001 PP5M Transparent Filter

PT-8002 CTO compressed activated carbon filter

PT-8003 PP1M Filter Cartridge

PT-8004 CTO compressed activated carbon filter

Filter parameters:

PP5M transparent filter:

Water output: 1.5Gmp/1KG

Can withstand pressure: 125PSI

Service life: 2000 GAL

Can withstand temperature: 37 °C

Role: It can filter more than 5M impurities, precipitates and rust.


UDF granular activated carbon filter:

Water output: 1.5Gmp/1KG

Can withstand pressure: 125PSI

Service life: 2000 GAL

Can withstand temperature: 37 °C

Role: It can filter out more than 5M impurities, microorganisms, cyst bacteria, odor, different color, chlorine, trihalomethanes, carcinogens and other harmful substances, add fluorophosphate formulations can inhibit scale formation.

PP1M filter:

Water output: 1.5Gmp/1KG

Can withstand pressure: 125PSI

Service life: 2000 GAL

Can withstand temperature: 37 °C

Role: It can filter out sediments, microorganisms, floats, colloids, asbestos fibers, and can prevent activated carbon particles from escaping.

CTO compressed activated carbon filter:

Water output: 1.5Gmp/1KG

Can withstand pressure: 125PSI

Service life: 2000 GAL

Can withstand temperature: 37 °C

Function: Deeply absorbs different colors, odors, suspended solids, and organic matter in the water, effectively improving the water mouthfeel.

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