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Industry News
What harm does the human body drink when drinking unclean tap water?
Time:2018/4/23 15:01:12  Browse:

It is said that women are made of water, but what about men? Is mud made? According to studies, the main components of the human body are composed of water. The water content of people of different age groups is not the same, 90% of the fetal period, more than 80% of infants, 60-70% of adults, 60% of the elderly, an average of 62%. Moisture content in vital human organs also has a large proportion: 99% of the eyeball, blood 83%, kidney 82.7%, heart 79.3%, lung 79.%, muscle 76%, brain 74.8%, skin 72%, bone 22%.

However, water pollution in today’s society is also increasing. There are minor hazards in major rivers, streams, and even the tap water that we use daily. The most common of these are three types: physical, biological, and chemical pollutants. Next, Wanjiayuan’s water purification experts will introduce the three types of harmful pollutants.

1. Physical pollutants include suspended matter, thermal pollution, and radioactive contamination. Mainly from the waterworks station to civilian, public taps a few kilometers long or even tens of kilometers, perennial corrosion of iron, microbial breeding of iron water pipelines, valves and other rust falling children, in a variety of large and medium-sized electric water heaters, thermos bottle, Tea cups and our bodies are heavily suspended and sedimentated throughout the year. Radioactive pollution is the most dangerous and is generally found in local areas.

2. Biological contaminants include bacteria, parasites, and viruses. The pathogenic bacteria and parasites have had better killing methods. However, the research on pathogenic viruses is not yet sufficient, and there is no universally accepted standard for killing viruses. There are more than 100 viruses that humans emit from the faeces. They pollute the water through different pathways. Through routine purification and disinfection processes, poliovirus, Coxsackie virus, rotavirus, hepatitis A virus and the like can partially survive. As the pollution of the water environment deteriorates, the original virus in the water body may also change and new viruses appear.

3. Chemical contaminants include organic and inorganic compounds. With the development of analytical techniques, up to 2,500 chemical contaminants have been detected from source water. The main ones that should be highly concerned at present are:

(1) Mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic effects. The common mutagenic contaminants such as chloromethane, acrylonitrile, etc., can cause abrupt and heritable effects on the genetic material of organisms; inorganic substances such as asbestos, arsenic, nickel, and chromium, and nitrosamines, aniline, etc. Contamination on the body can induce the formation of tumors; methylmercury, pentachlorophenol sodium and other teratogenic pollutants can interfere with the normal fetal development through the maternal during pregnancy, so that abnormal fetal development and congenital malformations, can also be directly affected For germ cells, affecting reproductive function and birth defects.

