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Many people need to pay attention to drinking water safety
Time:2018/4/23 15:03:24  Browse:

Water and the human body are inextricably linked. As far as the human body is concerned, the physiological functions of water are manifold and all chemical reactions occurring in the body are carried out in water. Unclean drinking water can lead to impediments to nutrient absorption, and various toxic and harmful substances slowly accumulate in the human body. Therefore, all people should pay attention to drinking water safety. However, some people should pay special attention to:

Mother and child population

The baby starts in his womb and grows up in the amniotic fluid. South Korean scientists found that some pregnant women detected heavy metals in their amniotic fluid. Where do these heavy metals come from? It should be from the water and food that pregnant women drink. Therefore, the drinking water quality of pregnant women may affect the baby's prenatal environment. After the baby is born, whether it is breast-feeding or milk powder, more than 90% of its milk is water. Many mothers have paid attention to the quality of milk powder but have taken lightly off the water quality of more than 90%. Just think, if you use "milk" that contains "poisonous and harmful substances" to make water, can it still be "safe milk"?


Older people have poor resistance. Contaminated water can easily cause many kinds of physical diseases such as diarrhea in the elderly, gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and so on. Therefore, the elderly and mother and child must pay attention to the safety of drinking water.

Chronic patient

Chronic diseases erode human health for a long time. Unclean drinking water will affect the absorption of drugs and nutrients, hinder the extermination of pathogens, delay rehabilitation, and even aggravate the condition. Chronic patients should not only pay attention to drinking water hygiene, but also drink less carbonated beverages and flavored beverages, do not drink strong teas, and develop good living habits.

People with lots of social activities

People with lots of social and social needs drink alcohol, smoke more, eat greasy foods, and often stay up late, work pressure is very high, and liver, kidney, stomach, lung, and cardiovascular diseases are damaged to varying degrees. Although maintaining healthy drinking water does not cure the disease, it can protect the organs. It is recommended that people with lots of entertainment should drink plenty of clean water, drink less alcohol, drink strong tea, and drink coffee.

Sub-healthy people

The white-collar workers with great work pressure and no concern for health, and those who are in a sub-health state, although they do not have a clear disease, they have a decline in mental energy, adaptability, and responsiveness. If this state cannot be corrected in time, it is easy to cause Physical and mental illness. Unclean drinking water can affect the recovery of bodily functions, and a clean, healthy, sweet-tasting water will bring you a good mood for the day.

