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Industry News
Please cherish water resources
Time:2018/4/23 15:11:23  Browse:

Often see such a PSA: "The last drop of water on the earth is your tears, please cherish water resources." At present, our planet is undergoing the test of unprecedented resources and the environment. More and more people are paying attention to these topics. As an important part of it, water deserves our attention.

In recent years, as people's lives have become better and better, the word "saving" seems to have been forgotten in people's hearts. Some people have a simple understanding of water resources and do not pay attention to water conservation at all. In everyday life, the phenomenon of wasting water can be seen everywhere. For example, if the faucet is not turned off in time when washing hands, the faucet is still turned on after bathing, and how much water is wasted when thinking about similar situations. what? Don't you feel pity?

The world has already started the "water" alarm. The world is in a shortage of water. China's water resources are also seriously missing. According to statistics, at present, China has more people and less water, and the spatial and temporal distribution of water resources is uneven. The water conditions that do not match the layout of water resources and productivity have not changed; the resources and water environment cost paid by resource-pull economic development methods have long passed. In some places, serious ecological problems such as rivers cut off, lakes dry up, wetlands shrinking, disappearance of oasis, decline in groundwater level, etc. occur in some places. If these conditions are not reversed as soon as possible, the water resources are difficult to bear, the water environment is unbearable, and people and nature cannot harmonize. Sustainable development will be seriously affected.

Water is the source of life, the essence of production, and the foundation of ecology. It is the basic condition on which human beings and all living things depend. If there is no water, human beings will be thirsty and cannot see this beautiful and lovely world. Do you really want to wait until the last drop of water in the world is your tears? Will not be too late at that time? Therefore, what we can do now is to stop all wasting water resources. Starting from me, we must start from the small things around us, increase the awareness of cherishing water resources and protecting water ecology, and cherish the conservation of our existing water resources. To create a social atmosphere that saves water, loves water, protects the water, and makes it hydrophilic, so that “valuing water resources and protecting the environment” is no longer just a slogan.

