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Industry News
The best drink: boiled water
Time:2018/4/23 15:10:26  Browse:

Many years ago, people never made any mistakes about drinking water. Because then, only boiled water for everyone to drink. In recent years, not to mention a variety of beverages, there are many kinds of water, pure water, distilled water, space water, and live-active water. Many manufacturers have publicized the benefits of drinking water for commercial purposes. Some exaggerated and contradictory propaganda have caused consumers to be at a loss. Parents do not even know which kind of beverage to choose for their children. In fact, boiled water is the best drink

Once boiled water enters the body, it can immediately exert its metabolic function, regulate body temperature, and deliver nutrients. Scientists in the United States have found that boiled water that naturally cools after boiling is most likely to pass through the cell membrane, promote metabolism, increase immune function, and increase resistance to the body. People who are accustomed to drinking boiled water have a high activity of deoxygenase in the body and less intramuscular lactic acid accumulation, which is not prone to fatigue.

At present, the consumption of water has great blindness, pure water and bottled water. This water and water are not equivalent to healthy water. Pure water and bottled water should not be used as children’s dominant drinks. Nowadays, various kinds of beverage advertisements are invariably heard. Thirsty children drink more and more, and there is less and less drinking water. This is a bad trend that affects children's growth.

Nutritionists point out that from a nutritional point of view, any sugary beverage or functional beverage is not as good as boiled water for the health of the body. Pure boiled water is most likely to quench thirst, and it can be metabolized immediately after entering the body. It regulates body temperature, transports nutrients, and cleans the body's internal functions.

Therefore, the relevant experts called for the promotion of the "Drinking a drinking water campaign." They found that boiled water cooled naturally after boiled is most likely to promote metabolism through the cell membrane, increase hemoglobin content in the blood, increase body immunity, and improve the body's resistance to disease. People who are accustomed to drinking cold boiled water have high dehydrogenase activity in the body and less intramuscular lactic acid accumulation, and are less prone to fatigue.

