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Industry News
Remember 3 glasses of “Help Life” every day
Time:2018/4/23 15:13:04  Browse:

With the people's further concern for health, water is the greatest need of the human body in one day. How do you want to drink water is the most beneficial to the body?

1. Drink water in the morning.

The first cup of water that rises in the morning is the real life-saving water. After the body has been metabolized overnight, all the body's rubbish needs to be washed. Drinking a glass of water reduces blood viscosity and increases circulating blood volume.

It is best to choose the following 3 types of water in the morning:

The first type is clear water, boiled water, mineral water can be, can reduce the body's blood viscosity;

The second is lemonade. Citric acid can increase the appetite in the morning;

The third kind is light salt water, which is very helpful to people with constipation.

2, eat salt immediately replenishment.

Eating too salty can cause high blood pressure. It can also lead to decreased saliva secretion and swelling of the oral mucosa.

If you eat salty, the first thing to do is to drink plenty of water, preferably pure water and lemonade, try not to drink sugary drinks and yogurt, because the excess sugar will increase the feeling of thirst.

Light milk is also a good choice, of which more than 90% are water, but also contains more potassium, can promote the discharge of sodium, and taste more sweet.

3, drink water before going to bed.

Do not drink too much water before going to bed, but you can take a couple of shots, especially the elderly. When a person is asleep, the moisture in the blood is reduced due to moisture loss in the body, and the blood viscosity becomes higher.

Proper drinking before going to sleep can reduce the blood viscosity, thereby reducing the risk of cerebral thrombosis. In addition, in the dry autumn and winter season, water can also moisten the respiratory tract and help people fall asleep better.

