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Industry News
Water pollution so we must choose the water dispenser
Time:2018/4/23 15:14:01  Browse:

From January 2014 to now, in less than three months, there have been 10 incidents of tap water odors in the media. Of these 10 incidents of tap water odors, there were 6 incidents of odors in tap water. The relevant departments sampled the water quality to obtain the conclusion that the odor water test passed or met the standards. The haze is no longer enough to cover public concerns about water quality.

Although smelly tap water is labeled as qualified or up to standard, the public's suspicion has not dissipated. This of course does not mean that authoritative testing has problems, but judging from the logic of life or the common sense of experience: First, detection technology cannot always exhaust all possibilities, technical shortcomings are facts that fit dialectics, and second, tasteful or colored “qualified water”. "Obviously, it is not the normal state of human acceptance of pure water." The results of professional tests may be nailed, but the public still hopes that "qualified water" will be able to wash out the lead and return to the simple nature of nature.

Our concern about water and water quality may not be a worrying thing. At the two national conferences this year, members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) quoted data saying that "in recent years, surveys have shown that the Yangtze River has formed nearly 300 kilometers of shoreline pollution belts, including more than 300 types of toxic pollutants." On March 14, the Ministry of Environmental Protection released The first nationwide large-scale study results. The results show that there are 250 million inhabitants of residential areas in China close to key polluting enterprises and roads, and 280 million people use unsafe drinking water. So the question came: Where are the pollutions? Even the suspected “problem water” is safe. Then, where does “unsafe drinking water” flow?

One thing is certain: Water pollution has become the sword of Damocles headed for health. On June 25, 2013, the Digital Atlas of Water Environment and Digestive Tract Cancer in the Huaihe River Basin was published in a digital edition. This was the result of a long-term study conducted by a team of experts from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It confirmed for the first time the direct relationship between high cancer incidence and water pollution. It is an increasingly clear consensus: If the sewer is the conscience of the city, then the safety of groundwater and surface water is the life of society. For now, it is time to cherish water quality. Qiu Baoxing, deputy director of the CPPCC National Committee for Population Resources and Environment and deputy director of the Ministry of Housing and Construction, pointed out: “The urbanization rate in China has exceeded 50%. International experience shows that after the urbanization rate reaches 50%, it is a period of high water pollution crisis and also a restoration of water ecology. The key period, once missed this opportunity, will pay extremely high governance costs."

In the long run, in the face of water pollution suspense, it must not be “qualified”. Fortunately, the 2014 government work report pointed out that it will focus on the deployment of air, water and soil pollution control. This means that China will carry out pollution prevention and control in the "water, land and air" trinity. “Implementation of clean water action plan, strengthen protection of drinking water sources, promote pollution control in key watersheds,” plan to arrange more than 700 billion yuan of water investment in the central budget this year, and “resolve drinking water safety issues for 60 million rural population this year”. It is necessary to make every effort to rectify the problems of agricultural non-point source pollution, industrial emissions, and domestic sewage, while at the same time protecting unpolluted sources of drinking water. This is a solid commitment, and it is also a move for people's livelihood.

For drinking water, we must choose the drinking fountains. Guangdong Biyu Company is one of the earliest enterprises in the domestic energy-saving water dispenser industry to obtain a national industrial product production license. The product has passed the national CCC certification, the European Union CE certification, the ISO9001 quality system certification and the ISO14001 environmental certification. Select the tourmaline drinking fountain to let you drink healthy water and rest assured of water.

